BSOD after computer barely booted up
Hello. My isssue started a week ago when suddenly one morning the computer won't boot up. I checked the cables inside, reset the BIOS by getting out the battery and after a few restarts it began to boot up. This morning same thing happened again. The computer won't boot up. I check the cables, make sure they are well placed, I reset the BIOS again and after a few restarts and recheckings the computer started working again. Just that this time after 15 minutes of browsing facebook I get a BSOD. The computer then still runs but I get no more video signal. After dealing and praying to God in the same way with the problem as I did earlier it begins to work and seems stable. What happened? I know the dump file got some crucial info about the problem and it would be amazing if you guys would help me know the source of the problem. Thank you!