BSOD after running CCleaner

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  1. Posts : 0
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    I specifically said you should access your data via a live environment. Attaching the HDD to another working OS just runs the risk of infecting the new OS install. You typically use Hiren's Boot CD or something else to access the drive.

    As to why your HDD can't be accessed. Perhaps you need to look in Disk Management and initialize the dive.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 14
    windows 7 64
    Thread Starter

    As to why your HDD can't be accessed. Perhaps you need to look in Disk Management and initialize the dive.[/QUOTE]

    How do I do this if it's not showing up in disk management?

    Had trouble with Peppermint bootable disk as it couldn't locate the image for some reason.
    Went and bought a Sata hd reader dock station with power supply and it finally recognized the drive and I backed up all the files. Make sure if you have an older hd, you get a reader with a power supply.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 0
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Not sure why it wasn't showing up. I'd have to see it to know for sure.

    Glad you were able to figure it out though.

    By the way. You don't need a power supply for 2.5" drives. One of these will work.

    USB 3.0 to 2.5" SATA III HDD Hard Disk Drive Adapter Cable Data Connector USA | eBay
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 14
    windows 7 64
    Thread Starter

    Didn't exactly figure it out.
    I did a fresh install of Windows 7, but I couldn't even install an anti virus on it.
    I didn't realize how old the XPS tower is...came out in 2008.
    Once I updated the bios and Windows updates, everything seemed to work well, but I still cannot get the tower to recognize the other drives.
    I talked to a repair guy and he said that my hd is probably disabled in the bios.
    He said to look under sata 0,1,2, and 3 to see if I can enable it, but I saw no option to enable or disable the sata connectors.
    I'm done fixing computers for people...fixed one guy's computers at work and now everybody wants me to fix their computer.
    Thanks to everyone who posted replies.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 0
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Yeah, it does sound like a BIOS setting. I'd comb through ALL the BIOS settings.

    About fixing computers. You have to enjoy doing it, and you have to want to learn new things. It can be a real pain in the ass, but the rewards of fixing it yourself/building it yourself are great. I had an issue linked here that I solved all on my own. Took me a good ten to eleven hours of research to know what in the actual hell was going on. But I eventually fixed it. I'm pretty good at reading instructions, schematics, manuals, that kind of thing. You should see me fly in the Sim with an all bells and whistles 737NG... LOL!
      My Computer

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