dllhost.exe crash / com surrogate

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  1. Posts : 95
    Windows 7 Ultimate Build 6956 x32

    When you run Photoshop CS3 on a computer with a 64-bit processor (such as a, Intel Xeon processor with EM64T, AMD Athlon 64, or Opteron processor) running a 64-bit version of the operating system (Windows XP Professional x64 Edition or Windows Vista 64-bit) and with 4 GB or more of RAM, Photoshop will use 3 GB for it's image data. You can see the actual amount of RAM Photoshop can use in the Let Photoshop Use number when you set the Let Photoshop Use slider in the Performance preference to 100%. The RAM above the 100% used by Photoshop, which is from approximately 3 GB to 3.7 GB, can be used directly by Photoshop plug-ins (some plug-ins need large chunks of contiguous RAM), filters, or actions. If you have more than 4 GB (to 6 GB), then the RAM above 4 GB is used by the operating system as a cache for the Photoshop scratch disk data. Data that previously was written directly to the hard disk by Photoshop is now cached in this high RAM before being written to the hard disk by the operating system. If you are working with files large enough to take advantage of these extra 2 GB of RAM, the RAM cache can speed performance of Photoshop. Additionally, in Windows Vista 64-bit, processing very large images is much faster if your computer has large amounts of RAM (6-8 GB).
    how much RAM u got?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8
    Server 2008 x64

    You don't know what you're missing when you can actually utilize large amounts of memory
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 8
    Server 2008 x64

    In this particular build, only 4 GBs.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 95
    Windows 7 Ultimate Build 6956 x32

    mdoyle said:
    You don't know what you're missing when you can actually utilize large amounts of memory

    HOLY FUXX, what could u possibly use that much Ram for? My MoBo only Supports up to 4GB i think

    What r ur full sys specs?

    post ur System Info, im curious :-P
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 8
    Server 2008 x64

    Haha... that's my HP DL580 G5 at work. It runs 10 Virtual Servers, ranging from Exchange front ends, SharePoint, Terminal Services, and a GUI app for a Unix server, plus a few other things. What's more exciting, is the fact that I still have 30 available DIMMs on my motherboard for more memory

    Anyway's, ill have to hook my 6801 build computer back up and uninstall CS3 and see if that is the issue.

    I might just wait for the download on 6956 to finish first though.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 95
    Windows 7 Ultimate Build 6956 x32

    i didnt know theyy had the 64bit of 6956
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 8
    Server 2008 x64

    As far as I know they don't. But since this is just for play/testing it doesn't really matter if its 32 or 64 to me.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 95
    Windows 7 Ultimate Build 6956 x32

    ooh :-P
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 8
    Server 2008 x64

    Yep. Got rid of CS3 and the error is gone.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    I just installed 6801 x64, I too am getting the error 2x, bleh, I uninstalled nero 8, and CS4.

    Update: I installed Nero v., no more errors. Then I re-installed CS4, but only chose photoshop (64 and 32 bit versions) and nothing else from the suite. I'm not getting the error anymore, but photoshop now seems to hang on load.

    I did also install K-Lite Codec Pack 64-bit, prior to uninstalling, as on another site I read the error may also be related to divx. http://www.codecguide.com/klcp_64bit.htm

    Last edited by d3th; 31 Dec 2008 at 12:41. Reason: com error gone
      My Computer

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