bug in windows 7 is frustrating

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  1. Posts : 422
    windows 7 64 bit

    bug in windows 7 is frustrating

    hi guys i have found this bug windows 7

    try this and leave a comment if you have it click on the sound lcon in the taskbar and does the cusor load and the circle spin? for a couple of seconds or up to a minute mine does and my dads laptop does it as well.

    is there a solution or will i have to wait until service pack 1 when a lot of windows 7 bugs are fixed?

    edit: also it has recently started doing this as the other laptop was not doing yesterday and today is does?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,705
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 ®™


    I couldn't say I haven't noticed the circle, but if I blinked I'd miss it.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 422
    windows 7 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    it's manly only for a couple of seconds maybey 2-5 but it has gone up to a min at times and when it loads it sometimes freezes and glitches.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,705
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 ®™

    stillfreefilms said:
    it's manly only for a couple of seconds maybey
    It doesn't last that long for me, like I said, if I blinked I'd miss it, so it's not even a split second really.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,261
    Windows 7 Professional 32-bit SP1

    I get the "Wait Cursor" for a fraction of a second, and I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate x64.

    Seeing as this is a problem that shows up when you click the sound icon, it could be driver related. Have you tried updating your sound card drivers?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 422
    windows 7 64 bit
    Thread Starter

    yes i have tried update the realtek drivers but now i am using the default microsoft sound driver and tried updating that on the other laptop running windows 7 (it came with it pre-installed) and it has the same problem so i susspect its a common bug.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 52,160
    Windows 11 Workstation x64

    I do see the wait cursor for a fraction of a second but I fail to see how this is a bug.
      My Computers

  8. Posts : 328
    W7 Pro 64

    fraction of a second here too. If you wouldn't have pointed it out, i wouldn't have noticed the circle at all.

    Maybe your virusscan or some other program stealing resources?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 10,200
    MS Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit

    On my system, there is zero stutter-response is instantaneous.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,872
    Windows 10 Pro x64, Windows 8.1 Pro x64, Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1,

    Instantaneous on two Windows 7 x86 systems and two Windows x64 systems.
      My Computer

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