Who's your favorite fictional Android, Robot, Cyborg or A.I
Who is your most favorite fictional Android, Robot, Cyborg or A.I
Album - Androids and Robots
- Maria [Metropolis (1927)]
- Gort [The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951)]
- Andrew Martin [The Bicentennial Man aka The Positronic Man]
- Marvin the Paranoid Android [The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy]
- Solo [Weapon (Novel adapted to film as Solo)]
- C-3PO [Star Wars]
- R2-D2 [Star Wars]
- T-800 [The Terminator]
- T-1000 [Terminator 2: Judgment Day]
- T-X [Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines]
- Robot [Lost in Space]
- David [A.I. Artificial Intelligence]
- Gadget [Inspector Gadget]
- G2 [Inspector Gadget 2]
- Lieutenant Commander Data [Star Trek: The Next Generation]
- Eve [WALL-E]
- Astro Boy [Astro Boy]
- KITT, Knight Industries Two Thousand [Knight Rider]
- KARR, Knight Automated Roving Robot [Knight Rider]
- Mac and Molly Mange, The Metallikats [SWAT Kats: The Radical Squadron]
- HAL (Heuristically programmed ALgorithmic computer) [Space Odyssey]
- The Gunslinger [Westworld]
- Optimus Prime [Autobots]
- Voice Input Child Identicant (V.I.C.I. aka Vicki) [Small Wonder]
- Sonny (NS-5 Unit) [I, Robot]
- Robby [Forbidden Planet]
- Bender [Futurama]
- Johnny 5 [Short Circuit]
- Cameron [Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles]
- 9 [9]
- GERTY [Moon]
- Others [Please Specify]
Mine is Lieutenant Commander Data.
Marvin the Paranoid Android, C-3PO and R2-D2 come in a very close second :)
Last edited by gladson1976; 25 Aug 2010 at 10:54. Reason: Added links to the album