82 Chevrolet Cavalier. It was a POS, but you could kick the crap out of it and it'd start every time. I guess that was the point of the first car - cheap, reliable transport.
A 1972 Toyota Carina. A somewhat rare ad odd looking Toyota. Green just like this one:
42 Ford GPW military Jeep with a Willys engine in it. I wanted one real bad so it was the first thing I searched for when I had enough money. We beat the snot outa it and took it offroad as much as possible. Second car was a 41 Dodge 1/2 ton weapons carrier closed cab pickup with a winch. Was much bigger then the jeep and could and did pull trees out of the ground with the winch.
What can I say I really like the old Military trucks and miss them both. My third car is a 69 Dodge Dart I still own and finally got my license in, I decided I needed something a bit more practical to actually drive...
Yes. I believe the earlier models had a three cylinder 2 stroke engine. All of mine had a V4 engine the same as a Ford Taunus.
It was set at an angle and the cylinders fired in the opposite order to what was normal on British cars.
Also they had column change gears (what happened to them?) and the windows didn't drop but pivoted from a single point.
What with that and heated seats this was a unique car at the time and, as I said, I'd love one now.:)
mum gave me her rx4 with non working 13b, i had such a relationship with rotarys from this car, culminating in me building a peripheral ported 12a with 48mil webbers in my r100, damn i miss that car!
The red part was a dark gray and there was a red spot on it but basically this is it, 1956 Buick Roadmaster 4 dr hard top
Mine was a 1959 Chevrolet Biscayne, 4 door with a 235 CI slant six engine that I bought when I was 17 for $250. The car was huge and very underpowered but it got me to where I wanted to go.
Mine was black, I'll never own another black car after that, worst color ever conceived for a car!
A 1931 Model A Ford coupe that we restored.
This one is not mine; but mine looked just like it.