BSOD Shirts
Hows this for a geek shirt? They have others including 95/98, NT4, XP and Win 7 BSOD shirts. Also some Macs
errorwearEmbrace your computer problems.
100% cotton, 200% error.
No jokes, no logos, just errors.
SHIRT IN THE PICTURE - The current spin on the old classic. There was an operating system called Vista, which you may not have heard of because everyone hated it and we all pretended it didn't happen. Microsoft went back to the lab, cleaned Vista up, made a point revision bringing Windows up to version 6.1... which they of course named Windows 7. Windows 7 shares a lot of underlying code with Vista, and the BSOD is no exception.
We're going with the super verbose IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL error, specifically a D1 for those in the know.
Last edited by Borg 386; 13 Jan 2011 at 10:08.