Mike,thats a lot of screens. :)
LOL! I used to have 18 ... I had to pare it down a bit.
Thanks, StalkeR! :)
You've got some of the same apps I have. Cool setup you have there.
@pillainp, looks great! :)
My latest S60 Homescreen :)
What a great bunch of screen shots, I'm so jealous I haven't had a cell phone for over 12 years now.
I've spent hours researching smart phones and I'm even more confused. I was thinking the Droid or the HTC I'm just not cool enough for an iPhone besides where I'm moving all I've heard is how bad the reception and drop calls are with At&t.
So my brother has switched to T-Mobile and says he has much better success with his phone but I'm also looking at Sprint and Verizon so... Man to much information any suggestions for South East Texas. Around the 77568 area code?
I've also seen where you can now accept credit cards on your phone for business with intuit, which is something I will eventually look into.
Thanks. Fabe