Challenge Dwarf

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  1. Posts : 5,840
    Vista Ult64, Win7600

    jfar said:
    Hey Dwarf it's all yours, What is it used for?

    And Dwarf I don't want to put you under any pressure or anything , but there is also this one pending.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 5,840
    Vista Ult64, Win7600

    jfar said:
    jfar said:
    Hey Dwarf it's all yours, What is it used for?

    And Dwarf I don't want to put you under any pressure or anything , but there is also this one pending.

    Ahem Ahem,

    Challenge Dwarf-whaz-colour.png
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6,292
    Windows 7 64 Bit Home Premium SP1

    Aren't those things illegal everywhere but Amsterdam?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 5,840
    Vista Ult64, Win7600

    No The Howling Wolves uses one every night before he goes to bed , and he lives in the high Rockies in America.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 9,582
    Windows 8.1 Pro RTM x64
    Thread Starter

    Just seen your other thread about it, and I must admit that I'd have never got it.

    I know very little, if anything at all, about horticulture. Here is my limited knowledge of the subject:
    • Grass is green and needs mowing at regular intervals (or you could use a goat!)
    • Trees are tall
    • Plants sometimes have flowers
    • A weed is simply a plant in the wrong place
    There. What did I tell you?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5,840
    Vista Ult64, Win7600

    Dwarf said:
    Just seen your other thread about it, and I must admit that I'd have never got it.

    I know very little, if anything at all, about horticulture. Here is my limited knowledge of the subject:
    • Grass is green and needs mowing at regular intervals (or you could use a goat!)
    • Trees are tall
    • Plants sometimes have flowers
    • A weed is simply a plant in the wrong place
    There. What did I tell you?

    That sounds good to me.
      My Computer

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