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  1. Posts : 5,840
    Vista Ult64, Win7600

    Golden said:
    z3r010 said:
    Rugby Union is a game for girls!!

    League is a mans game.
    Well said Sir!

    Jfar - that was me that said Rugby Union is for sissies. That tackle you posted is very good, only 1 problem mate............it happens in very 100th game you might see. In league those so sort of tackles happen when they are warming up!

    Feast your eyes on these:

    and this one where they are just getting to know one another:

    Yes some serious tackles there, in the first video every one of the tackles bar number 4 are illegal in Rugby Union, because the majority of them weren't tackles , the were shoulder charges, the most dangerous of all offences. Anybody can run up to you and stick their shoulder full force into your face etc; as you are running with a ball. So in my opinion, I don't class them as tackles, I class them as offences witch you would get sent off for in Rugby Union.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 19,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64 ; Xubuntu x64

    Its time for some serious Hurling videos Jfar......
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 14,606
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7600

    I have spoken via web-cam with Mr Williams face to face although he didn't look as young as i expected unlike mitchell65 who looked younger than i expected when i met him at a computer conference last year.
    i suspected the baroness and z3r010 were connected when they were having a banter about windows seven mugs being in the dishwasher some time ago and because he speaks much nicer to her than us
    Last edited by boohbah; 05 Jan 2011 at 15:49. Reason: typoo
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4,663
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    S**t Julian. I was having a bad face day!
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 9,582
    Windows 8.1 Pro RTM x64

    boohbah said:
    I have spoken via web-cam with Mr Williams face to face although he didn't look as young as i expected unlike mitchell65 who looked younger than i expected when i met him at a computer conference last year.
    i suspected the baroness and z3r30 were connected when they were having a banter about windows seven mugs being in the dishwasher some time ago and because he speaks much nicer to her than us
    And he's also much nearer to her broomstick than we are!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 5,840
    Vista Ult64, Win7600

    boohbah said:
    I have spoken via web-cam with Mr Williams face to face although he didn't look as young as i expected unlike mitchell65 who looked younger than i expected when i met him at a computer conference last year.
    i suspected the baroness and z3r30 were connected when they were having a banter about windows seven mugs being in the dishwasher some time ago and because he speaks much nicer to her than us
    I am sorry to hear that you had to go through such an ordeal, are you ok now,
    you mean you actually saw him face to face, I know it must be hard to get it out of your mind, but you must try, you will be the better of it if you just wipe it completly out of your memory banks, farewell boobah, a man of strong constitution.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 9,582
    Windows 8.1 Pro RTM x64

    johnwillyums said:
    S**t Julian. I was having a bad face day!
    You mean, you appeared as the one on the right and not the left?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 4,663
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    Is it the spectacles?
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 14,606
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7600

    Dwarf said:
    boohbah said:
    I have spoken via web-cam with Mr Williams face to face although he didn't look as young as i expected unlike mitchell65 who looked younger than i expected when i met him at a computer conference last year.
    i suspected the baroness and z3r30 were connected when they were having a banter about windows seven mugs being in the dishwasher some time ago and because he speaks much nicer to her than us
    And he's also much nearer to her broomstick than we are!
    Beware of her shiny red apples, as one of snow whites hangers on you know what i mean
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 14,606
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7600

    johnwillyums said:
    Is it the spectacles?
    i thought you had strapped beer bottles to your head for comic effect....it worked!
      My Computer

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