Kindle Users - Opinions Wanted

  1. Posts : 3,187
    Main - Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-Bit; 2nd - Windows Server 2008 R2

    Kindle Users - Opinions Wanted

    I'm thinking about getting a Kindle and would like to hear from people who have one. My main questions are these:

    1) Do you find it easy to use for long periods of time?

    2) I'm a pretty fast reader - does it slow you down?

    3) How often do you use yours?

    4) Which Kindle version do you have and which would you recommend to someone else?

    5) What's the best thing about it?

    6) What's the worst thing about it?

    7) Are there better options out there?

    Thanks! :)
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,187
    Main - Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-Bit; 2nd - Windows Server 2008 R2
    Thread Starter

    Lots of readers here, huh?

    Alrighty, then - negative rep for the lot of ye!

    (Or just "bump" as the case may be.)

    I'm looking to buy one of these in the next few days. Anyone want to put their two cents in? :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,878
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    profdlp said:
    1) Do you find it easy to use for long periods of time?
    Yes, without a doubt. I enjoy it much more than holding books for long periods of time as I don't have to flip pages and I don't have to read into the center binding of the book on one side and towards the right edge on the other side.

    profdlp said:
    2) I'm a pretty fast reader - does it slow you down?
    No, I find it faster actually. Rather than having many different type faces on your books, you have the same across all books. And like I said before, when I'm not reading into the binding and such, but rather flat across the entire page, I feel that I read faster.

    profdlp said:
    3) How often do you use yours?
    I carry it to and from work daily in my laptop bag. I probably read 3-4x a week at night before going to bed.

    profdlp said:
    4) Which Kindle version do you have and which would you recommend to someone else?
    I have the generation 2, my wife has the 3rd generation with 3G support.

    profdlp said:
    5) What's the best thing about it?
    Having tons of books available and with you at all times.

    profdlp said:
    6) What's the worst thing about it?
    Many books are based on the hard cover prices. When the paperback versions of the same book become available, it takes a long time, if ever, for the Kindle version to drop in price. And I don't like paying $9.99 for the Kindle version of a book when I can get the actual paperback for $7.99.

    profdlp said:
    7) Are there better options out there?
    Not sure, I honestly didn't do much research when I bought mine. The Amazon version seemed fine and I have been completely satisfied with it since.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 258
    Win 7 Ultimate x64

    profdlp said:
    I'm thinking about getting a Kindle and would like to hear from people who have one. My main questions are these:

    1) Do you find it easy to use for long periods of time?

    2) I'm a pretty fast reader - does it slow you down?

    3) How often do you use yours?

    4) Which Kindle version do you have and which would you recommend to someone else?

    5) What's the best thing about it?

    6) What's the worst thing about it?

    7) Are there better options out there?

    Thanks! :)
    1) Yes, easy to read for Long periods of time in Sunlight or Lamplight
    2) Doesn't slow me down at at - after a short while you forget your reading on an E-Reader
    3) I use mine almost EVERY DAY
    4) 3rd Gen WiFi and 3G
    5) Size, Readability, Battery Life, Storage - No one best thing. Lots of great things.
    6) I wish it had an optional back-light
    7) In my opinion NO better options - Sony and B&N Nook not as good a deal. Ipad nice but too heavy and battery life NG

    Kindles the Best :):):)

    3G turned out to be not necessary - I only use the wireless for downloading the books
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3,187
    Main - Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-Bit; 2nd - Windows Server 2008 R2
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    Thanks, guys!

    I'm probably going to order this in the next 24 hours and have one last question:

    Any advantage to the 3G version as opposed to the Wi-Fi only? :)
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 258
    Win 7 Ultimate x64

    Hi profdlp - Yes and no. Simply put, if you have the 3G in addition to Wi Fi, you'll be able to download books and search the kindle store even in areas where you don't have Wi FI. Personally I don't like kindles "browser" at all - its way to difficult to use to even bother with (BUT you're not buying the kindle to surf the internet, you're buying it because its a great E-Reader and holds a ton of books).

    If you don't have Wi Fi at home you might want to get the 3G (it's only $40 more) but in all seriousness, the only time I ever enable the "wireless" is when I want to search the kindle store or download a book. Once the book is downloaded I shut the wireless off as it serves little useful purpose and greatly shortens the battery life.

    And there are so many Wi Fi "hot spots" just about everywhere you go. So the answer to your question is that there "IS NOT MUCH ADVANTAGE" to having the 3G. :):):)
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,187
    Main - Windows 7 Pro SP1 64-Bit; 2nd - Windows Server 2008 R2
    Thread Starter

    I got mine the other day and am loving it, though I'm still figuring out exactly what it is capable of. Thank you both for your excellent advice!

      My Computer


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