guys check out the new count 2871 and counting.......
Alright! Up 50 users from yesterdays high total 3171, where will it stop today. I say 3300 is in the bag
wow think 3400 then is in the bag! jumping faster than I can type!
Last edited by myzr7; 13 Jul 2009 at 11:25. Reason: behind the times
Wow! Wonder what makes it spike like that? 1000 users drop off to install the new build. Then they all jump back online after installing and bring a 200 friends with them. All around the globe people are waking up and others are going to sleep or maybe not.
faster population growth I've ever seen :P... not the biggest forum I've ever seen but it is really growing fast :P
I know a forum that has
[Our members have made a total of 478,742 posts
We have 59,871 registered membe]
but it took like 5-7years :P
Well Done to Everyone who had a part in getting the most user now if we can keep them all