well, running 7(Build 7000) and i having some troubles with somethings... so... Vista for now :P
Windows XP
Windows Vista
Windows 7
well, running 7(Build 7000) and i having some troubles with somethings... so... Vista for now :P
Hello slipee, welcome to Se7en Forums!
If you're having a problem with your Windows 7; post a new topic, at the link below and someone may have some answers for you.
General Discussion - Windows 7 Forums Just click the yellow "New Thread" button.
Later Ted
I feel like the poll results will be biased for some reason.......
That said, I voted for: Seven ha
I voted 7, although I am (was) a Vista advocate.
Even with the few problems I'm having with 7, (such as trying to get VirtualBox to run, and for some reason Everest won't start and run in the sidebar) this OS shines.
I think this has been a brilliant move on MS's behalf, I'm looking forward to the official release.
Definitely 7! Certainly wouldnt go back to XP.