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Edit: How Do i Add a Smilie in the Yup! up there? :|
Are You in the 2.5 Million?
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Edit: How Do i Add a Smilie in the Yup! up there? :|
I got the exact same Keys four (4) different times that I tried ?
Through Technet subscription. 64 bit and 32 bit. 10 keys. The same keys are used for 64 or 32 bit.
Has any one heard for sure how many Windows 7 Beta's you can use the same product key number on to activate with?
Your product key will work for up to three separate computers, so if you want to install the Windows 7 Beta on another PC, you can re-use the same key.
With a Technet subscription, You can get 10 keys (The same keys work for 64 or 32 bit, so you could say 5 for each)
I would guess that, if you have a legit key, you can probably get even more over the telephone option. Microsoft would not be too concerned as they will all expire anyway.
Last edited by davehc; 10 Jan 2009 at 11:44.
Missed out on official status... And aww, key from Vista beta apparently no workie like it did in 6801. Looks like i'll be obtaining and testing by "other means" this time round
do you mean 10 computers??
as stated in the EULA it should be practically unlimited
---------------------my own personal opinion-------------------------------
(but these are for personal use so im thinking 5-10 online (we are talking about personal computers) and another few more through the phone