Something wrong with YouTube?

  1. Posts : 795
    10 Home x64

    Something wrong with YouTube?

    I tried to sign in today, and I get this same thing over and over again.
    Something wrong with YouTube?-capture3.png
    It also appears when trying to look at other peoples channels. I thought it was my browser, but I downloaded and installed Firefox and I got the same thing.
    Is this Google related?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,349
    Windows7 Pro 64bit SP-1; Windows XP Pro 32bit

    Works for me.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 795
    10 Home x64
    Thread Starter

    Would forwarding some ports cause this to happen?
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,427
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    That depends what ports you forwarded. Anything below 1024 is a no no. I don't know whether youtube use a special port, but if they do it's likely to be one of the reserved ones.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 7
    Windows 7 Pro x64

    MadSupra354 said:
    I tried to sign in today, and I get this same thing over and over again.
    Something wrong with YouTube?-capture3.png
    It also appears when trying to look at other peoples channels. I thought it was my browser, but I downloaded and installed Firefox and I got the same thing.
    Is this Google related?
    I had the same thing happen this morning on my XP Pro machine. I just checked, and all seems normal with W7 Pro -- IE 8, Firefox, and Chrome all seem fine at YouTube.

    Later: XP Pro machine now OK too.
    Last edited by booklover; 06 May 2011 at 08:39. Reason: later info
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 795
    10 Home x64
    Thread Starter

    All right, I haven't port forwarded ports below 1024 but I think it might just be maintenance. Sorry for putting this thread in 'News' I just suggested it was happening to everyone.
      My Computer


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