The dreaded Sepoys are on the move....WO1 Sassofalco still in command
Reliable Sources report the following alarming troop movements and news -
At 3:05pm GMT today Monday the 9th May 2011:
While still under the command of their beloved Warrant Officer Class 1 Sassofalco - VD and Scar, Honorary RSM, the 4th [Assault Pioneer] Troop Pune Sepoys broke Camp from their old location amongst the hopelessly uncouth 'Illiteratii' and 'Mortuus Cerebri' at Vista Forums, and were last seen marching at a leisurely pace and in high spirits, to rejoin their old friends and comrades amongst 'The Great Unwashed Rabble', now situate in the mountains, vales and 'Too hard' bins of
God Save Good Queen Betty II, and Phil the Greek.....and Chuck's wife - what's 'er face??
The insanity and stupidity continues...........