this excellent forum must have already solved the world's problems, and everyone is now running 7 happily!
this excellent forum must have already solved the world's problems, and everyone is now running 7 happily!
You cannot know how funny that is to me. I have referenced my friend Bill Fraser elsewhere in this forum. He was a partner of Thomas Carter, Carter Communications. See Carterphone Decision, 1968, or settle for this.
Bill once told me that I had a dichotomy and I told him, "I don't know what that is."
Even better, we were discussing a topic quite similar to bhuulo's post and signature conflict.
I am standing here beside myself.
I'm pretty sure we're just in between the leak rush and the GA rush.
I'd expect all the people who would hover for news on the latest leak, or pricing, or feature changes, or release dates, etc., have gotten what they needed for now.
But I'd also expect a second wave as more and more people start needing tutorials for how to do things, how to get different games to work, etc., etc.
I'll be curious how much the official Technet/MSDN release in just over a week impacts things....
Its a holiday, and soon enough they will be back. Just enough time to limber up our typing fingers
With RTM now in the wild we should start seeing more people coming to visit and staying. There are going to be a lot of questions over the next couple of months from those who download the RTM. Plus after Oct 22, there are going to be quite a few more with questions. Just got my brother to start using win 7, and he is on the phone with me at least every ever day with questions; keep pointing him to the forum, but what can say, he just doen't listen (he is twelve years my junior).