Young hot blooded fellow always on the look out finds a gorgeous brunette and takes her home after dinner and they get down to it when suddenly his pet parrot says
"Someone's gonna s*****d tonight!"
Immediately this puts the girl and him off any romantic intentions so he takes her home.
Few days later he meets wines and dines a beautiful redhead same thing on the sofa really getting hot and steamy when the parrot pipes up
"Someones gonna get s******d tonight" with the same result as before.
This goes on for the blond , the black haired girl another brunette and before long the young bloke realises he is never going to get his wicked way and gets real peed off.
He then comes up with an idea "I know " he thinks "I'll get a female parrot - bingo that will keep him quiet!!"
Off to the pet shop and he asks the owner if he has a female parrot he can buy. The owner says no but I tell you what I do have - is a female owl!
Young bloke thinks for a bit thinking what the dickens am I going to do now? and finally says "Ok I'll take the owl" - thinking any port in a storm!
Takes the owl home and puts her on the perch alongside the parrot who looks at the owl with a bewildered sort of stare.
That night he meets a real honey and thinks tonights the night - yes!!
Wines and dines her takes her home start getting very romantic on the sofa and soon things are getting very steamy when suddenly the parrot pipes up
"Someone is going to get s*****d tonight!"
The owl turns to the parrot with eyes bulging out and goes "HOO HOO!"
Parrot looks round at the owl and says "Yes and it ain't going to be you - you ugly flat faced bugger!!"
I have "toned" it down tad for the ladies.
I am in room #317 at Fairview Southdale Hospital( was a guy )
This morning, I was beaten up by a busty woman in an elevator.
I was staring at her boobs when she said, "Would you please press 1?"
So I did..... I don't remember much after that.
Last edited by LADYPINKtomato1; 19 Oct 2013 at 22:06.
S U R P R I S E D ya huh ????... just from a different kind of family. !!!
Last edited by LADYPINKtomato1; 19 Oct 2013 at 22:07.