This is where the idea of badges becomes a bad is nice to have them but it really shouldn't be an incentive to help people to just get them. I will admit that prior to getting the Seven Guru and Gold Member badges I was all about them. I couldn't wait to get that next badge and I almost borderlined onto begging folks I had helped into getting rep. Now since I have them the badges themselves feel empty...I find solace in knowing that my name itself lets folks know that I am a reliable and productive member (I always try to be). If the badges were taken away from me or everyone I wouldn't feel bad one bit. Call it maturity if you will
It's not that I disagree with your opinion. In fact I agree for the most part.
Especially that points or badges should not make a difference to the quality or quantity of ones helpfulness.
Indeed it never was my motivation for helping people or not.
If it was, I wouldn't be helping so many noobs that have 1 point to give, and most of the time don't give rep to you anyway.
The majority of rep points, you gather by earning respect and appreciation from your fellow members.
If you will, the points and badges represent an expression of their respect and appreciation.
And that is something to long for or work hard for.
To make a comparison.
Sportsmen play to win, for the fun, the honor and the glory, not for the cup or medal they hold in the air when they win.
But without the cup or medal, it wouldn't be the same, because these are the lasting tokens of their achievement.
Nobody will remember from the top of their hat, you wrote a brilliant post to help on some problem that seemed sheer impossible to solve.
Or you wrote a piece that made everybody laugh and go to bed with a smile on their face.
But the rep and badges represent the value of your work and are a lasting reminder of your effort.
That's why building an artificial ceiling to slow down someones progression is a bad thing in my opinion.
To say it short. If you went to Guru in 23 days, you must have done something to earn it.
For the record.
I never beg for rep ever, I don't have please rep if I or someone was helpful in my sig.
I also agree with your comments and appreciate a truthful response. My only advice on the matter would be (I am thinking of doing this very thing) to send a PM to John and explain your concerns. You have valid ones as so do I. If anything I believe a probable solution to this issue would be to include a rep meter. When you rep someone you can judge the amount of rep you want to give them. My rep power is 83 but there are some posts out there that I want to rep but I feel that-that post isn't worth that much rep. That way I can give a few points of rep to a nice post or unload my full power onto a user I truly felt went above and beyond.