Where are my glasses???

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  1. Posts : 823

    Where are my glasses???

    I can't find my glasses...
    I can't remember where I put them...

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,663
    Windows 10 Tech Preview 9926 x64

    Um, did you check under the couch...or in the refrigerator?
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4,573

    Mine are frequently in yesterday's shirt pocket.

    Anyway, I have a lost items finder -

    "Baby, where are my..."

    I had to tweak out the default reponse setting "Use your eyes not your lips", however.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 823
    Thread Starter

    I found them after an hour of intensive search in the middle of my frontyard... The odd thing is that I walked there at least 10 times before I found them...
    My dead dog must have been fooling me around...
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate

    RIP little puppy!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,663
    Windows 10 Tech Preview 9926 x64

    Sassa said:
    I found them after an hour of intensive search in the middle of my frontyard... The odd thing is that I walked there at least 10 times before I found them...
    My dead dog must have been fooling me around...
    Glad to hear you found them. You hadn't been, um, drinking or anything, had you?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,806
    Windows 7 Ultimate x32

    boy. if i had a dollar ....
    that and keys. i've lost my work keys like 1000 times. once for like 3 days before they magically appeared on top of the fridge.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 4,573

    Keys - reminds me...

    I had been working all day and all night for a few sleepless days on a problem. In the office, I ran another test on the system and it worked. Good. Time to go home and sleep.

    As I entered the elevator for the ride down, I dropped my car keys, watching them land on the small crack between the elevator door and the floor landing.

    "Don't even..." I whispered - and watched the keys fall through the crack. Down, down the shaft.

    It was then that I noticed I had on one black wingtip and one brown oxford.

    I called a cab.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,663
    Windows 10 Tech Preview 9926 x64

    Antman said:
    Keys - reminds me...

    I had been working all day and all night for a few sleepless days on a problem. In the office, I ran another test on the system and it worked. Good. Time to go home and sleep.

    As I entered the elevator for the ride down, I dropped my car keys, watching them land on the small crack between the elevator door and the floor landing.

    "Don't even..." I whispered - and watched the keys fall through the crack. Down, down the shaft.

    It was then that I noticed I had on one black wingtip and one brown oxford.

    I called a cab.
    That sounds like the kind of day that Arthur Dent would have.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 4,573

    blackroseMD1 said:
    That sounds like the kind of day that Arthur Dent would have.
    What do you mean?
      My Computer

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