Unless the rest of the world follows suit, the only real pain will be suffered by the American consumer.
I would never buy an Apple product, they are over priced and are created for those I consider to be affected by the "Rolls Royce Effect" - people who buy something that is more highly-priced than another product which does exactly the same job, just as fast and as comfortably or efficiently. In fact, as has been pointed out here, the Samsung product is less expensive but may work more efficiently than the Apple equivalent. In addition to which, many apps are free to download. Many of those consumers buy Apple because they can afford it. I have seen one guy on the London Underground trying to demonstrate his new I Phone to a friend, and failing to find out how to use it. The friend whipped out his Android phone and blinded him with science.
This is another example of corporate America trying to hold on to something that will eventually slip through their greedy fingers.