Apple Wins Trial Against Samsung

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  1. Posts : 427
    Windows 7/64 HPremium.

    Unless the rest of the world follows suit, the only real pain will be suffered by the American consumer.

    I would never buy an Apple product, they are over priced and are created for those I consider to be affected by the "Rolls Royce Effect" - people who buy something that is more highly-priced than another product which does exactly the same job, just as fast and as comfortably or efficiently. In fact, as has been pointed out here, the Samsung product is less expensive but may work more efficiently than the Apple equivalent. In addition to which, many apps are free to download. Many of those consumers buy Apple because they can afford it. I have seen one guy on the London Underground trying to demonstrate his new I Phone to a friend, and failing to find out how to use it. The friend whipped out his Android phone and blinded him with science.

    This is another example of corporate America trying to hold on to something that will eventually slip through their greedy fingers.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 291
    Vista/Windows 7

    windude99 said:
    burtie said:
    I have always had Android phones (and tablets) I just root them and install custom firmwares as there is a huge community of builders
    There are a lot of great custom roms out there! Especially Cyanogenmod 10.

    Yup been using Cyanogenmod since the v6 days

    This apple business is pathetic though, what about all the other companies that copy? And don't apple copy things themselves? Makes my head spin just thinking about it lol
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,533
    Windows 7 Professional x64 Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    burtie said:
    windude99 said:
    burtie said:
    I have always had Android phones (and tablets) I just root them and install custom firmwares as there is a huge community of builders
    There are a lot of great custom roms out there! Especially Cyanogenmod 10.

    Yup been using Cyanogenmod since the v6 days

    This apple business is pathetic though, what about all the other companies that copy? And don't apple copy things themselves? Makes my head spin just thinking about it lol
    Yea, notification pull-down has been on Android for a long time and they recently put that into iOS 5. It is a stripped down version of the Android nitification shade. They basically copied Android's pull down notification shade.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4,549
    Windows 8 - 64-bit

    I think the verdict .. S T I N K S.. that's my opinion. I hope Samsung takes them back to court !!!

    booo hisssssss
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 130
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit SP1

    The real issue seems to the The US Patent Office: issuing patents that are clearly based on prior art. Companies should not be allowed to patent shapes, nor should they be allowed to patent the look of an icon within an operating system.

    Unless the above are immediately identifiable (have essentially become a trademark for the brand) from a distance. A shining example of this is the Apple logo.

    A square with rounded edges that has a green handset telephone is NOT patentable as an icon within an operating system. To think otherwise is pure insanity. Could you imagine companies being able to patent the look of an icon within an operating system? Your basic cursor? Its madness.

    If a company can not compete on the merit of their design and execution they do not belong in the technology sector. The new business model of tech companies seems to be: "Look someone is manufacturing a product that kind of looks like ours, and performs the same basic functions! Get the lawyers on the phone! Open the war vault!" This is why i will NEVER own an Apple product, nor use any software developed by them. They disgust me as a company.

    Patent lawsuits accomplish nothing. They tie up courts for years on end, and cost the consumer more money in the long run.

    /end rant
      My Computer

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