Apple Wins Trial Against Samsung

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  1. Posts : 1,533
    Windows 7 Professional x64 Service Pack 1

    Apple Wins Trial Against Samsung

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,476
    Windows® 8 Pro (64-bit)

    Samsung products are now going to be costly it seems...
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,533
    Windows 7 Professional x64 Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    Dinesh said:
    Samsung products are now going to be costly it seems...
    You can thank Apple. I hate how Apple is doing this to Samsung! I'm glad Motorola (which is owned by Google now) is suing Apple to try and get a ban on all of its devices. Apple has messed with the wrong operating system
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,371
    W10 Pro desktop, W11 laptop, W11 Pro tablet (all 64-bit)

    Apple is pursuing this ridiculous lawsuit against Samsung in multiple countries. I find it interesting that in every other trial I've read about, Samsung has prevailed. Only in the trial held a few miles from Apple's headquarters (Cupertino and San Jose are adjacent cities within the same county) has Apple prevailed.
      My Computer

  5.    #5

    Apple is just a over-priced brand name..people buy Apple to look good and show how much money they earn every year.
      My Computer

  6. whs
    Posts : 26,210
    Vista, Windows7, Mint Mate, Zorin, Windows 8

    This is a real shambles. I hope they are not going to sue me because my kitchen table has round corners.
    Last edited by whs; 25 Aug 2012 at 14:42. Reason: typo
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 8,135
    Windows 10 64 bit

    When I upgraded to a smart phone, I succombed to Apple and got a (Verizon) iPhone4 as there were a couple of apps that I wanted that were only available for Apple products. The first thing I found out is it works the way it wants to, not how the user wants it. When I connected it to my PC (I had to do that initially) it took my entire address book, which I didn't want on the phone as it also has an e-mail list for a club that I maintain. Second it took 3 hours on the phone with Verizon tech to get it activated. I decided I didn't want it and shipped it back. I talked to a customer service rep about a different phone and was told the Samsung is just like the Apple except it uses Android OS. I got a Samsung Galaxy S "Fascinate" phone. It has its drawbacks and limitations too and I can't delete a lot of the pre-installed garbage, and the last OS update now causes it to periodically lockup and it must be reset by removing the battery. Sadly, I have to admit my daughter's (AT&T) iPhone4 works better than my Samsung "clone".
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,533
    Windows 7 Professional x64 Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    fireberd said:
    When I upgraded to a smart phone, I succombed to Apple and got a (Verizon) iPhone4 as there were a couple of apps that I wanted that were only available for Apple products. The first thing I found out is it works the way it wants to, not how the user wants it. When I connected it to my PC (I had to do that initially) it took my entire address book, which I didn't want on the phone as it also has an e-mail list for a club that I maintain. Second it took 3 hours on the phone with Verizon tech to get it activated. I decided I didn't want it and shipped it back. I talked to a customer service rep about a different phone and was told the Samsung is just like the Apple except it uses Android OS. I got a Samsung Galaxy S "Fascinate" phone. It has its drawbacks and limitations too and I can't delete a lot of the pre-installed garbage, and the last OS update now causes it to periodically lockup and it must be reset by removing the battery. Sadly, I have to admit my daughter's (AT&T) iPhone4 works better than my Samsung "clone".
    The earlier versions of touchwiz looked a bit more like iOS (but weren't complete rip-offs) but the newer versions of touchwiz are hardly like iOS at all.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 291
    Vista/Windows 7

    I have always had Android phones (and tablets) I just root them and install custom firmwares as there is a huge community of builders
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,533
    Windows 7 Professional x64 Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    burtie said:
    I have always had Android phones (and tablets) I just root them and install custom firmwares as there is a huge community of builders
    There are a lot of great custom roms out there! Especially Cyanogenmod 10.
      My Computer

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