Add a picture
How do I add a picture so that when I Post a question or respond to a question, it will show by my name??
How do I add a picture so that when I Post a question or respond to a question, it will show by my name??
i think you mean an avatar like my cabbage/sprout.
click user cp at the top of the forum page and in the page that opens then look down the left side to "edit avatar" click that then look at the custom avatar to upload a pic you want.
Last edited by boohbah; 28 Aug 2012 at 09:12. Reason: typoo's
Thanks boohbah
One more question.
What size should avatars be??
The maximum size is 100 x 100 pixels, or 195.3KB (whichever is smaller). In other words, the file size cannot exceed 195.3KB nor can the image be greater than 100 x 100 pixels.
Thanks I saw it after I asked the question. Works Good