Ha ! We didn't live anywhere that had moire than 2 channels, cable tv, until I was about 14 years old. 12 channels ! Yow !
In Houston we got the first all night TV station when I was in my early 20's on one of the new UHF stations. I had a TV that would pickup UHF. It was a good line to pickup a girl, "Do you want to come over and watch some late night TV?"== It just occurred to me that the term UHF is outdated now. The normal TV had stations from 2 to 13, they were VHF. The UHF went from 14 to 99 I believe.
The first TV that I remember had a 12 inch round (360 degree round) screen. It was great at the time. We didn't know any better.
Yup, I now have this:
LG 55LW6500: 55 inch Cinema 3D 1080P 240Hz LED TV with SmartTV | LG USA
Who would ever believe it would be possible to make such a thing ?
I'm in the mid 20's crowd, but I spent plenty of time playing outside as a kid. Building forts in the woods, using my imagination to make things so much better, haha. Even indoors I was into action figures and legos. I look back and think about how much imagination was used, it's incredible. You are right though. Now kids just jump on the video games and spend hours doing that... of course so do I now... but I didn't always!
I hate thinking about it sometimes, makes me feel old!