some of those vinyls depending on condition can fetch a few quid joan!
(scroll down to 7")
Pink Floyd - Arnold Layne Vinyl Records, CDs and LPs
some of those vinyls depending on condition can fetch a few quid joan!
(scroll down to 7")
Pink Floyd - Arnold Layne Vinyl Records, CDs and LPs
I did that as a kid. Finding the bad tube in a TV or radio usually was as easy as looking at the tubes to see which ones didn't light, yank it, (all metal tubes got yanked period) and take to the drugstore to test them (the test was primitive but was usually effective). I would replace any that failed the test and that almost always fixed the set. I learned the "fun" way to keep my hand away from the fly back coil lead going to the CRT (I swear the coil got its name from the reaction of the people who got too cozy with it).
It's interesting that most stereo places still offer turntables. Like here for instance....quite a selection. And when you look & see that some of then are in the $400 - $700 dollar price range.
Turntables at
My dream table will be a Super Scoutmaster !
VPI Industries Inc.
American made precision design and one of many truly great analog products. One can't imagine the sound that can come from clean pristine vinyl through a proper system of equal resolution. It can be for many a life altering moment, I've had many and my budget won't allow me to get real deep but my systems are what I consider high mid-fi.