The 50's and 60's compared to today.
Then teachers ruled the class room.
Now the students and ACLU rule the class room.
Then drug reports on the news were by the ounce.
Now reported by the ton.
Then you could be out playing all day without a problem.
Now you can't sit on your front porch in safety.
Then kids mowed the neighbors lawn because they wanted to help out.
Now your parents have to pay a stranger to mow their own lawn. Kids are raised that way.
Then it was yes Sir and yes Ma'am.
Now $%%%#^ and &^$%##^&
Then they did hold a door for a woman or older person.
Now they push them out of the way so they can get ahead of them.
Then raising children was with the help of the parents, family, church, scouts, and friends.
Now raising children is with judges, courts, police and the ACLU.
Then your house and car was unlocked whether you were in them or not.
Now they are locked all the time.
Then children ask parents permission to do something.
Now the children tell the parents that they are going to do something.
It sounds like I'm picking on the Now people and that is a mistake.
The Then people raised the Now people. Hopefully when the Now people become
the Then people a few years down the road, a better report can be given.