Microsoft Services Agreement update
Microsoft Services Agreement update
Will anyone be so kind as to condense the email sent to us regarding the services agreement update ?
Microsoft Service Agreement
In particular : what impacts to regular home users.
Thank you.
Well I didn't read the whole thing but it seams to me that Microsoft (M/S) in simple legal terms is trying to protect it self against people using their products without a legal contract. M/S also doesn't want anybody to use their products for illegal purposes. M/S also says it will disclose private information it has when asked through the proper legal channels.
To a home user to me it is simple. If you use your computer and Microsoft's products to do things that are not legal, they will help law enforcement if requested in the proper legal fashion. That would include stealing movies, music,programs and operating systems using u torrents and P2P or the like. If a home user allows someone else to use their computer with M/S programs to do such things you as the authorized owner and user of M/S programs are responsible for such actions.
Put it simple for home user. Microsoft has the right to stop all illegal actions using their programs that they or other discover. That could include but not limited to removing the authorization code of all their programs too reporting to legal authorities with all need information private or otherwise. Kids this may put mom and dad in a very tough spot if your caught doing illegal things and its reported.
To a business this idea can be tough. If said business has a authorized use of Windows Office and let say 100 computers stations. The business is accountable for the use of that M/S program in all 100 station. If one employee uses one station to set up a bank robbery M/S is not responsible the business is. Microsoft is not responsible if others use their product for illegal actions.
If my understanding is correct I have no problem with it.
I'm not a lawyer nor do I have any legal training.
It likely won't affect the end user that much, but 2 things are interesting:
Finally, we have added a
binding arbitration clause and
class action waiver that affects how disputes with Microsoft will be resolved in the United States.
And they can now share your data amongst all their services.
How Microsoft’s Terms of Service changes impact your rights
By continuing to use their services after October 19th, you are in essence agreeing to these new terms. A Guy
Well I didn't read the whole thing but it seams to me that Microsoft (M/S) in simple legal terms is trying to protect it self against people using their products without a legal contract. M/S also doesn't want anybody to use their products for illegal purposes. M/S also says it will disclose private information it has when asked through the proper legal channels.
To a home user to me it is simple. If you use your computer and Microsoft's products to do things that are not legal, they will help law enforcement if requested in the proper legal fashion. That would include stealing movies, music,programs and operating systems using u torrents and P2P or the like. If a home user allows someone else to use their computer with M/S programs to do such things you as the authorized owner and user of M/S programs are responsible for such actions.
Put it simple for home user. Microsoft has the right to stop all illegal actions using their programs that they or other discover. That could include but not limited to removing the authorization code of all their programs too reporting to legal authorities with all need information private or otherwise. Kids this may put mom and dad in a very tough spot if your caught doing illegal things and its reported.
To a business this idea can be tough. If said business has a authorized use of Windows Office and let say 100 computers stations. The business is accountable for the use of that M/S program in all 100 station. If one employee uses one station to set up a bank robbery M/S is not responsible the business is. Microsoft is not responsible if others use their product for illegal actions.
If my understanding is correct I have no problem with it.
I'm not a lawyer nor do I have any legal training.
It likely won't affect the end user that much, but 2 things are interesting:
Finally, we have added a
binding arbitration clause and
class action waiver that affects how disputes with Microsoft will be resolved in the United States.
And they can now share your data amongst all their services.
How Microsoft’s Terms of Service changes impact your rights
By continuing to use their services after October 19th, you are in essence agreeing to these new terms. A Guy
THank you to both.
It likely won't affect the end user that much, but 2 things are interesting:
Finally, we have added a
binding arbitration clause and
class action waiver that affects how disputes with Microsoft will be resolved in the United States.
And they can now share your data amongst all their services.
How Microsoft’s Terms of Service changes impact your rights
By continuing to use their services after October 19th, you are in essence agreeing to these new terms. A Guy
Someone made a statement in another forum and it troubles me because of its authenticity issue.
The statement he made was ...............
as of Oct 19th the hotmail brand is going away.
and he posted this MS Service Agreement link.....
Microsoft Services Agreement
I have read the aggreement which I received via email, and I had read the agreement I googled from the web.....
Microsoft Services Agreement
I did not see anything that said" by Oct.19th, Hotmail s going away."
Can you confirm what that guy said ?
I have yet to see anything that has said Hotmail is going away period. But I think it is widely assumed it will eventually, now that they have the as a replacement. If you visit and sign in using your Hotmail login info, it automatically switches it to an interface. You can change it back, but they sure seem to be eager for you to change. A Guy
Remember all the screaming that was done when Windows 7 didn't come with Outlook Express. I was one of the screamers. Then they informed the public anybody can have O.E. for a price. Now they are begging us to take it for free or else.
I miss Outlook and Outlook Express. Want to hear some more fairy tales?
I also read something recently that they also added to the agreement that you forfeit the right to take part in a class action suit against them....
New Microsoft agreement: No class action suits for you | ZDNet
Among the changes include every user's binding agreement to waive all rights to participate in class action lawsuits against Microsoft.
Depending on the laws where one lives, it's probably not enforceable.