A history of rock’n’roll in 100 riffs, in a single take.

  1. Posts : 1,491
    Win7 Pro-64 Bit

    A history of rock’n’roll in 100 riffs, in a single take.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,164
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,538
    Windows 10 64bit/Windows 10 64bit/Windows 10 64bit

    Oh dear another one I can't see, sorry BB it seems I'm unable to see anything you post about.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 19,383
    Windows 10 Pro x64 ; Xubuntu x64

    Very good
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 6,292
    Windows 7 64 Bit Home Premium SP1

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,491
    Win7 Pro-64 Bit
    Thread Starter

    Joan Archer said:
    Oh dear another one I can't see, sorry BB it seems I'm unable to see anything you post about.
    I don't know why you cannot see it. It is a vimeo video, anyway here is a link for it and also for the other one you could not see. The first link is for this one and the second is for the other one.Maybe you have been banned from seeing my posts.

    Explore – A history of rock

    Some See Everything - Seeing

    Hope you can enjoy at least one of them.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 7,538
    Windows 10 64bit/Windows 10 64bit/Windows 10 64bit

    I was able to see the history of rock through your link but still unable to watch the other. I don't see how I would be banned from seeing your posts, don't worry about it just put it down to a glitch of some kind.:)
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 4,549
    Windows 8 - 64-bit

    Joan do you have Flash Player on your phone or pc ?....if not maybe that's the problem.
    Just a thought.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 7,538
    Windows 10 64bit/Windows 10 64bit/Windows 10 64bit

    LADYPINKtomato1 said:
    Joan do you have Flash Player on your phone or pc ?....if not maybe that's the problem.
    Just a thought.
    I've been able to watch it now LPt1, Sue, posted a link in the other thread and that one worked.

    I don't watch things on my phone and I do have Flash on my PC but until Sue posted the link I was not able to watch the Seeing film even through the links that BB put up, probably my browsers security was a bit too tight.

    Not to worry I've seen it now, I enjoyed it.
      My Computer

  10.    #10

    Great They should do 100 riffs of Metal bands or 100 Screams of Metal bands

    90's onwards - Don't really count 70's/80's as Metal
      My Computer


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