Which age category do you fall in? [2]

View Poll Results: Which age bracket do you fall in?

367. You may not vote on this poll
  • 20 or Under

    103 28.07%
  • 21 to 30

    82 22.34%
  • 31 to 40

    30 8.17%
  • 41 to 50

    31 8.45%
  • 51 to 60

    50 13.62%
  • 61 to 70

    47 12.81%
  • 71 to 80

    20 5.45%
  • 81 to 90

    4 1.09%
  • 90+

    0 0%
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  1. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 Professional x64

    A Guy said:
    Welcome to Seven Forums Enjoy being young. Time goes so fast and this is generally a more carefree time in your life. As you get older that won't sound like old people talk, lol

    A Guy
    Thanks, "A Guy". Pretty creative username there!

    I just want to grow up and move out so I can deal with the mental problems I have...(low empathy and violent intrusive thoughts). I have high compassion and am a nice person, yet I have problems I want help for and I just cannot trust my intermediate family other than my brother even then who doesn't want me to vent about my issues... so I just am going online and trying to mingle.

    Sorry if I sound egotistical, I don't want to sound that. :/

    Nice to meet you, I prefer to chatting with adults over teens and kids anyways. They are more wise and have interesting opinions and thoughts to share.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 53,401
    Windows 10 Home x64

    You didn't sound egotistical, you sounded like a young person :) We've all been young. I hope things work out for you

    A Guy
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 0
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    41-50 now, but in 10 years the poll will be skewed. LOL

    I feel like I was just 27 or in my twenties gaming my ass off, playing BF2, BF2142, Generals Zero Hour and lots of other games. Kids, I tell you, you get old damn quick! Unfreaking real!

    Think about this. A majority of the users here were born when or after 9/11 happened. I was 20! One month before 21 when I could drink!

    That day was un-by-God-Unbelievable. Let me tell you.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 891
    Microsoft Windows 7 Professional 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1

    I was in Lebanon when it occurred!
    Thank GOD I was able to get back to the US alive.
    Flew over the smoldering ruins the following Sunday morning.
    From about 10K feet, it was so very sad to see.

    YES! I agree. "We've all been young. I hope things work out for you".
    Last edited by Mike Lynch; 19 Oct 2024 at 12:55.
      My Computer

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