Reputation and Badges [10]

  1. Posts : 2,781
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Congratz, Hacb! The badges come when you say something about them. A longggg time ago when i was still a member i had already passed the Power User requirments and much too, but i didn't say anything. Then i said something about Power User and it came up.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 18,415
    windows 7 home 64bit

    Congratulations Hacb :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 21,004
    Desk1 7 Home Prem / Desk2 10 Pro / Main lap Asus ROG 10 Pro 2 laptop Toshiba 7 Pro Asus P2520 7 & 10

    Hacb said:
    i am not obsessed with them or sanything, i had just done everytthing i needed to do and was curious as to why it did not go up straight away when my first badge appeared without me even knowing about it.
    Well for one thing mate I never said you were obsessed by this issue I was simply expressing my own personal views on how members conduct themselves as it has been a problem in the past as I mentioned .

    I know as you can see how long sometimes it takes to get your badges or whatever - I just don't see why it should mean anything at all and the admin have enough to do as it is given most of them are heavily involved in not just 7 but the 8 & 10 forums too!!

    Plus if you look at my last remark I think you will know what I think of your achievement
    But in any case great to see you got your power user badge and all good luck to you, - chill time my friend.
    it took me months to get one green blob
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 2,781
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    You mean this blob?
    Reputation and Badges [10] Attached Images Reputation and Badges [10]-089_muk_shiny.png 
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 43
    windows 7 ultimate

    congractz hacb
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 21,004
    Desk1 7 Home Prem / Desk2 10 Pro / Main lap Asus ROG 10 Pro 2 laptop Toshiba 7 Pro Asus P2520 7 & 10

    Laith said:
    You mean this blob?
    Yep whatever Laith!
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,781
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    The green blob has returned for it's daily garbage run!

    What did i even say?
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 21,004
    Desk1 7 Home Prem / Desk2 10 Pro / Main lap Asus ROG 10 Pro 2 laptop Toshiba 7 Pro Asus P2520 7 & 10

    The green blob has returned for it's daily garbage run!
    Well if that is what you think of me then so be it - very sad because I thought we were working quite well together just recently.

    My apologies to all the other members watching this thread for voicing what is my right to an opinion - perhaps I should not have said anything at all and for taking this thread off topic.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,781
    Windows 10 Pro x64

    Nonono, i meant the picture. Not of you. I'm so sorry if i hurt you.
      My Computer

  10. Arc
    Posts : 35,373
    Microsoft Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview 64-bit

    A Guy said:
    Congratulations on the Power User badge Hacb

    Congrats on the power, Hacb. Now you can say it ....
      My Computer


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