I remember with great fondness. It was my 90th day here. I was approching 2000 posts, mind this was before word games, and it was mostly helping posts. This was before my post whoredom really set in (I know, 2000 posts in 90 days, but I was just getting started). After midnight on my 90th day the Guru badge appeared
Jonathan and Derek were leaving me VMs about it, I made a few more posts and then the Gold badge appeared. Arc and Nick made me FNG sigs (I don't remember the goateer choice then?)
I look back on those times with much fondness. When I signed in later that day, I had the Supported Badge. I was very happy. To wear the FNG, and my new badges...
As you see, that's all I've done since then
A Guy
Last edited by A Guy; 21 Jun 2014 at 00:46.