R.I.P. Bare Foot Kid - Edward L. Barnes II
My Big Brother, Edward Larry Barnes II, has gone home to be with our Savior. He had been battling cancer. I cannot begin to tell you the joy, happiness, camaraderie, and love he felt from his friends in this community. You may not know this, but Ted had never touched a computer until shortly before he came across Vista Forums. He thought he might want a laptop so he went to Best Buy and the young sales associate basically treated Ted like an imbecile (for those of you who know my Brother, you know that is NOT accurate!). Obviously the guy ticked him off. So, right then Ted decided to teach himself as much as possible about computers. Ted was mostly self-taught (with allot of help from allot of you all here!). As you know, Ted became a “Microsoft Most Valuable Professional” and he was so proud of that accomplishment. I truly believe my Brother had never achieved anything he was so pleased with in his life. He so loved helping people figure out how to do what y’all do with these computers (I still struggle :)) and he took immense pleasure in spending time with you all.
I know my brother would not want you to mourn. I know he is with his Savior Jesus Christ in heaven. And Ted’s only concern would be that you know Jesus loves you too and that you know Him as your Savior too. So, don’t mourn for Ted. Instead rejoice with me that he is no longer in pain and that he is sitting in the arms of Jesus surrounded by God’s perfect love. :)
I thank you all so very much for the friendship, support, and happiness you brought him. And, to the Admins and Mods, I cannot begin to tell you how deeply you affected Ted’s life in a positive way. You (this forum) gave him a reason to live and something to look forward to each day.
Sincerely and with warmest appreciation and gratitude,
NoteAbout Ted (Edward Larry Barnes) and guestbook:
In Memory of Edward Larry Barnes -- GEDNETZ RUZEK FUNERAL HOME, SEBRING, OH
Last edited by Brink; 15 Aug 2014 at 15:34. Reason: added note