PayPal Credit (not "PayPal") payment methods??
I just discovered there is something at eBay called Paypal Credit, as opposed to Paypal itself.
It's not a credit card, just a credit line from a Maryland bank for $250 minimum if you are accepted.
You can use it as a payment method when you buy something on eBay. I think you checkout through standard Paypal and then choose "Paypal Credit" as your "payment method" within Paypal.
Am I right about all of that?
Here's the more important question:
Say I buy a $50 item on eBay, checkout through Paypal, and choose Paypal Credit as the payment method.
Days or weeks later, they send me an electronic statement saying I owe $50.
How can I pay that?
I dug into their FAQs and see only this: "pay your balance due from either your PayPal balance or your bank account." Note that there is no mention of a credit card.
I deliberately have no Paypal balance.
I deliberately have no bank account linked to Paypal.
I DO have a credit card that is directly linked to Paypal. I've always paid for my infrequent eBay purchases with that, checking out through Paypal in the standard manner. Can I pay this "Paypal Credit" amount due by logging into Paypal and choosing my linked credit card?
Anyone with personal experience?