I'm 64 now, this was taken a few yeras back. I'm on top of the famous table-top mountain at the top of the valley, and yes, I can see my house from here.....it is just behind my right arm at the bottom of the image
i dont know how to post a picture its says i should get the properties > image url thing so i can post it like this
url something l;ike that but i cant seem to find the url in my .jpg picture properties. can someone please tell me how?
thank you
Well, I am from La Crosse, Wisconsin (United States), and thought it would be interesting to see pictures of where you live! Here are a few pictures of my town (about 53,000 people live here).
We also have the WORLD'S LARGEST SIX PACK OF BEER!!! Its like, 6 stories high :)
Hey everyone!
I know this is a noob question but, I'm still going to ask! :D
How do I post a picture when I reply to someones post or to my thread?
Do you get me?