The rules and methods that Pyprohly has posted is correct.
Daxiel I would and am suggesting buy a book on the rules of chess. I haven't bought one in decades but they got to be under $10.00.
Once you know and understand the rules I have a little suggestion that helps me.
When I play chess on my computer I set up a big board beside me with big pieces.
For me my 3 brain cells work better when playing chess looking down at the board instead of a vertical monitor.
I don't know why that is.
Wonderful idea, I will try this tonight when I play a game.
System Manufacturer/Model Number: Put together OS: Win7 Pro-64 Bit CPU: i7-2600-3.4GHz Motherboard: ASRock Z68M Memory: 8 GIG DDR3 Graphics Card: onboard Sound Card: onboard Keyboard: Microsoft Mouse: Microsoft optical PSU: 680 W Case: black Cooling: stock fans Hard Drives: Seagate 1TB 7200RPM
After i finished with the BSODs a new problem happened my computer was keeping crashing in everygame i was playing.When i was playing for like 2 hrs or even 10 mins a lag apears then my comp reboots with a black screen appearing.I took my computer to a repair service.It turned out to be something...
Hello, could you help me i get strange freezes when im playing games everything is going smoothly until pc just freezes and sound is frozen too but you can hear it it goes like zzzzzzzzzzz all the time. I will provide any info that you need.
I got very frustrated with a tower defense game not being fun as sometimes it was way too hard and other times way too easy... So I remembered that I had jailbroke my iPod and thought hmm I wonder if I could edit some game data files? I found a Cydia app called iFile, navigated to the games's .app...
I'm pretty new at these forums, so sorry if I'm extra trouble.
Lately my computer has been acting up. When I try to play ANY games, eg: MineCraft, Crossfire, WoW, my computer will crash within 2 minutes. The screen will either become black and white vertical stripes across the screen, blue and...
The game is Dragon Age: Origins. Whenever I have it running in windowed mode (not fullscreen windowed, like smaller screen windowed for multitasking) the computer shuts off completely with no warning. I get no BSOD, nothing else on startup after these crashes, it just starts up normally. Can...