Old Computer OS
In college I worked in the reference dept. of the library. Eventually I ended up in the basement using the computer and the internet to share info. It was kept at 58 deg F. The mainframe took up a huge space. I would sit at a U shaped desk with four or five monochrome (amber or green) monitors and several keyboards - no mouse. There were several two cupped receivers with telephone handsets stuck in them. Most of the time I was sending agricultural info to India and the Philippines. After working with it for a while I would send and receive short personal notes from foreign students to their families through friends that worked at foreign universities.
(Note: If you know anybody who is planning to go to graduate school; suggest to them that they get a job in the reference dept. of the university library. It used to be a great preparation for doing research. Things might have changed too much.)
Last edited by Phredtx; 09 Sep 2021 at 19:08. Reason: Text is repeated