My first operating system was Windows Vista or Windows 7, I couldn't remember which one of them but it was for sure one of them, I liked those operating systems!
I liked Vista, never had the problems others had. Vista led directly to Seven. I've heard it said that W7 was Vista SP3. I like checking Vista Forums now and then. A few stalwarts are still using it. I might still be if not for Seven. Although I doubt if I'd be able to do my music on it. Seven continues to work well for that, if you can live without having the ability to use the latest software. In my case I can. Others need or want more up to date stuff. I found my sweet spot, and I'm not budging from it.
I liked Vista as well especially with the longhorn theme. That was the last Windows version for my Dad though. He had a crappy Acer at the time, one of those "Vista capable" computers designed for XP with a freebie upgrade. The only issue with Vista was that the hardware wasn't usually up to par and those Vista capable computers really weren't. Hardware for the general public really didn't catch up until Windows 7. Ultimately his laptop died but he still blamed Vista. Unfortunately like XP I couldn't image running Vista now. Much too old and unsupported. I also didn't have a problem with Vista (except for the inability to use a wireless card at the time). I had a good home grown system very finely tweaked.
My first recollection was while taking a course in the 1970's at San Francisco City College.
....Computer "Basic" Language or some such thing.
Had to Google to refresh my memory of commands (Statements)
Don't remember what hardware was used, but it did come in handy when I "Upgraded" to a Commodore64.
Currently migrating from Windows 7 to Windows 10 argggggg!!!!
Will be searching this Forum for tips to make the adjustments.
(Turned 80 last August)
Thanks to all for this helpful Forum.
@Foreever7 Welcome to posting on Seven ForumsYou might as well jump to Ten Forums...much more active
Windows 10 Help Forums
A Guy
9 years to make a first post, could be some sort of record!!!
Win95 and that ancient modem dial-up56k i believe, who ringed 5min to connect xD... glory days...