What was your first OS?

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  1. Posts : 10
    Windows 7 Professional x64

    What was your first OS?

    Like the title says; what was the first OS you used as a child? Was it 95, 98, ME? Or 2000, XP, Vista, or 7? Or hell, even the old IBM, Tandy, or Mac computers from the 80's? Feel free to share!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,387
    Win 7 Ult 64-bit

    My first was 95. I didn't touch a computer till I was 50.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 52,159
    Windows 11 Workstation x64

    C64 Basic then over to DOS.
      My Computers

  4. Posts : 700
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    My childhood pre-dates the availability of any OS for personal use. My first hands-on experience was OS/8 on a DEC PDP-8e. My first truly personal OS was MS-DOS 3.0.
      My Computers

  5. Posts : 226
    Win7 Home Premium x64

    Whatever was on the original Mac 2. . . don't recall anymore, too many years ago! Great thread!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,798
    Windows 7 x64, Vista x64, 8.1 smartphone

    VAX PDP-11, UNIX, MS-DOS and BBC Micro.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 0
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    What ever Apple called it for the green screen Apple IIe computers. Would that be called DOS? You did have to use a 5.25 diskette.

    Latter on I used many other versions of Apple computers in school that used the desktop At Ease. I loved trying to crack the passwords on my school's computers and I found some passwords I had did give me Admin rights. I once had a summer job working at two schools as a janitor's assistant or what ever and there in the teacher's lunch room was an At Ease manual. I asked if I could borrow it and I read that thing cover to cover. LOL I really wanted some type of Macintosh back then but could never afford it. During this time I had experience with Windows 95 as well. And I dabbled in Windows 3.1 for Workgroups I think it was called.

    My very first real computer was a Dell C600 laptop that ran Windows 98se. I still remember my space screen saver and theme and then I switched it to the SETI screen saver to help find "alien life" on other planets. Flash forward a decade latter and I did participate with F@H.

    I absolutely loved XP. Pretty much could fix everything and anything that went wrong. Then I gave XP 64 a try and that worked alright too. Then finally I installed Windows 7 in 2009 I think it was and to this day I still use Windows 7. I passed up Vista based on the reviews I've read from tech forums I was a member of. Then 8 came around and I saw what crap that was . LOL Now there's 10 with boat loads of telemetry passing in and out of the NIC. I'm presently messing around with 10 in VMware Workstation Player in preparation for when I do use it for this new Sim coming out that's simply called Flight Simulator. I just like to call it FS2020. It's pretty damn impressive. Go to YouTube and search for flight simulator and you won't believe your eyes. Hopefully there are no real massive bugs with it and the accompanying buggy OS that is 10. I'll probably dual boot 10 and 7.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 0
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    To get really white and nerdy, my first router OS I ever messed with was DD-WRT for my great and still quite capable Linksys WRT54GL. Now I roll ASUS Merlin.

    I do plan on deploying Pfsense in a nettop when I use Win 10.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 717
    Win 7 Pro, SP1, x86, Win-11/Pro/64

    OS? OS?
    Well, I almost had to use hypnotic regression, to answer that. It's been a while!

    I can't remember the exact year (I forgot to write it down), but it was somewhere around 1980.
    And the OS was Commodore Basic. I learned it, I programmed with it, and I even re-wrote the C-64 Kernel Rom, to speed up the little C-64 computer.

    But if by OS, you mean a Microsoft OS, then that would have to be MS DOS 2.0. I ran it on a home-built IBM PC XT Clone. I never did learn IBM basic, but I did learn how to write Batch Files in DOS.
    Shortly after building that XT Clone, I started building them for other people. Voila! I was in the computer business.

    Dang, that was a long time ago.

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 3
    Windows 7 Professional SP1

    Mine's was MS-DOS on a Tandy 1000 HX. But my first "Windows" system was 3.1
      My Computer

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