Windows 8 ' s SCREENSHOTs

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  1. Posts : 7
    Vista Ultimate 32bit & 7 Ultimate 32bit

    Windows 8 ' s SCREENSHOTs

    any screenshot of windows 8 available or anybody can give it here ?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,476
    Windows® 8 Pro (64-bit)

    Windows 8 ' s  SCREENSHOTs-win8.jpg

    I know that's fake.
      My Computer

  3. Lee
    Posts : 1,796
    Win 7 Pro x64, VM Win XP, Win7 Pro Sandbox, Kubuntu 11

    Sure is. . .fake, since they are just putting out feelers for the up coming staff, which won't be completed until June or July at the earliest.

    Source is TechNet news letter
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 8,476
    Windows® 8 Pro (64-bit)

    Why do we need windows 8 now? Ain't we satisfied with Windows 7 for the time being?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 5,840
    Vista Ult64, Win7600

    Windows 8 ' s  SCREENSHOTs-10iij3k.png
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 11,840
    64-bit Windows 8.1 Pro

    Cause the leak junkies are starting to go through withdrawals..
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 8,476
    Windows® 8 Pro (64-bit)

    jfar said:
    Windows 8 ' s  SCREENSHOTs-10iij3k.png
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 434
    7 x64/ Back-Track 4

    jfar said:
    Windows 8 ' s  SCREENSHOTs-10iij3k.png
    In Win8 i would actually LOVE a LOADING BAR, one thats an ACTUAL loading bar, not the wierd butter-fly effect in Win7, nor the scrolling bars in Xp or Vista... maybe one like in Ubuntu
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 7
    Vista Ultimate 32bit & 7 Ultimate 32bit
    Thread Starter

    thanks all . more try guyS .
      My Computer

  10. 24c
    Posts : 486
    Win7 x64 Ult

    Tews said:
    Cause the leak junkies are starting to go through withdrawals..
    I resemble this remark.
      My Computer

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