Orbiting tool bag

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  1. Posts : 3,141
    Vista Ult 64 bit Seven Ult RTM x64

    Orbiting tool bag

    Follow the bouncing, err, orbiting Tool bag.

    Simple Satellite Tracking from Spaceweather.com

    Supposedly can be seen with good binoculars.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,633
    Win 7 Ult SP1/Win 10 Pro (all x64)

    LOL.....we just have to strew garbage wherever we go, don't we? Let's hope that doesn't collide with something, it could do extensive damage I'm sure.

    They should invent a giant space Roomba vacuum cleaner to zip around slurping all the debris, which by now numbers in the thousands.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Orbiting tool bag-space_debris.jpg  
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,141
    Vista Ult 64 bit Seven Ult RTM x64
    Thread Starter

    LOL. With all the *stuff* floating around up there it is amazing that the ISS hasn't been ground up into dust. Some day when space flight is an everyday thing it will give someone a good job in salvage. It will become a paradise for antique hunters.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,633
    Win 7 Ult SP1/Win 10 Pro (all x64)

    NASA claims that the location of every single last spanner, nut and bolt, and now tool bag, is tracked...I hope for their sake that's true.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate

    At least we're down here and not consuming recycled urine....

    Later Ted
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 31,250
    Windows 11 Pro x64 [Latest Release and Release Preview]

    Hey Peter,

    Even if NASA knows where all it's bits are, they're not the only ones who have left stuff up there.
      My Computers

  7. Posts : 1,633
    Win 7 Ult SP1/Win 10 Pro (all x64)

    Bare Foot Kid said:
    At least we're down here and not consuming recycled urine....

    Later Ted

    Are you sure? Think about it.

    Barman58 said:
    Hey Peter,

    Even if NASA knows where all it's bits are, they're not the only ones who have left stuff up there.
    I think all of it's tracked...at least I hope so. They have some kind of central garbage control there...LOL
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 22,814
    W 7 64-bit Ultimate

    Ex_Brit said:
    They have some kind of central garbage control there...LOL


    Later Ted
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 31,250
    Windows 11 Pro x64 [Latest Release and Release Preview]

    What about the little folks who look like brink's avatar? or do they recycle?
      My Computers

  10. Posts : 1,633
    Win 7 Ult SP1/Win 10 Pro (all x64)

      My Computer

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