Off topic!
Hello z3r010!
We need an off topic forum!
Later Ted
I think we may have to come up with something new, let me finish building first muhahahahaha
Hey all, first post here. Wanted to say my .02 cents on this topic.
If I were you guys I wouldn't do to much on an off topic forum, matter of fact I'd just do a General Discussion Forum. If you want this site to succeed then you would want people to join and not be bortherd by bunch of off topic posts.
Sorry, but like I said, i just wanted to throw in my thoughts, dont mean to be an ass.
Hello Chris, welcome to Seven Forums!
The board needs an off topic forum to give people a place to 'goof around' that keeps the topic forums neat and tidy.
Later Ted
I think many people would rather be mature and stay on the main topic (windows 7 etc) then make ramdom topics.
But then again, its just my opinion.