Mine just turned black too. I enabled the background shuffle and was enjoying watching my pictures. Then I went in and deselected a couple of them, and then I decided I wanted to remove the "shuffle" option so they would scroll in order. About 10 pictures later the desktop turned to black. When I went back in the wallpaper options it had 1 picture selected and the slide show was disabled. I opened a picture and clicked "set as wallpaper" but nothing happened. I went back in the background options, closed it, and the wallpaper i selected appeared all of a sudden. Next thing I know it scrolls past the wallpaper I selected and went through a couple more pictures and now it's back to plain black again...
The only thing I have running is windows media player.. no activation hacks here either.
I got the background to come back... it seems that (For me at least) the background will only turn to black if "Shuffle" is NOT enabled. As soon as I turned shuffle back on, the backgrounds came back and are scrolling through just fine.