Windows Boot Options for Windows 7

  1. Posts : 5
    windows 7 32bit

    Windows Boot Options for Windows 7

    Hello there, I am building a HTPC and using XBMC as my primary frontend as i found i like the gui interface the best for my movies, TV shows, and music as most of the media I have is TV shows, though I am also equiping a BD player, And a capture card. As I know XBMC dosent support the latter I figured I would Use the WMC for capturing(I will rarely ever use this feature just nice to have though) and PowerDVD 10 for the blu-ray playback.

    My question is under windows 7 is there anyway I can have the Win7 boot into a menu on startup that allows me to select XBMC, PowerDVD, and WMC seperatly? I would just like the system to startup directly into a menu with just those 3 program options and be able to select with an MCE, or iMon Controller, anybody know of any scripts or where to find more info on this?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 27

    I know next to nothing about XBMC/HTPC, but the task is to replace explorer.exe as the shell. I cannot remember exactly what registry key to change on win 7 (and have not got time to verify), but think it is;

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\Shell
    To create the actual shell, I've heard some people use autoplay media studio, to create their own. Then make sure your new shell is located inside the WINDOWS folder. This shell will obviously launch after logon.

      My Computer


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