"Remove" User Picture! Help Please.

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Home 64bit

    "Remove" User Picture! Help Please.

    Good morning (afternoon, evening) 7F. I'm new here and new to most sorts of customization as well. I am looking for help with removing (not changing) the User picture (and frame) from my Logon screen.

    I just changed my Logon wallpaper, and my start button, but am having trouble finding out how to complete my final task. From what I've read on google I can'tt seem to find a definitive answer as to whether this "is" or "is not" possible. (maybe I'm tired).

    Anyways.. if someone here knows how to do this, and can break it down in Laymans terms (or a descriptive tutorial) for me, it would be MUCH appreciated. (I apologize ahead of time if this has been posted before and I didn't find it before I made this thread. If so just point me in the direction of that thread)

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,618
    Win7 Home Premium x64 W10Pro&Home

    Welcome to Windows 7 Forums. There are a number of posts at Microsoft about this starting from Vista and continuing through Windows 7, yet no simple fix. This thread at Microsoft provides a workaround using resource hacker, but I can't suggest it really...
    Welcome Screen Windows 7 Pro
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 17,322
    Win 10 Pro x64

    Welcome to the forum,

    I don't think that's possible, you can do this Log On Automatically at Startup

    but if you have more than one account or a password protected account there's going to be a user picture.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 19
    Windows 7 Enterprise RTM x64

    It is possible to remove the user picture and frame from the logon screen (see screenshot below). The mods you're looking for are in the authui.dll. If you open that in Restorator or ResHacker you'll see "UIFILE" and in that folder you'll see "12400", "12401", "12402", and "14000". The changes are going to be made to the "12400-12402" files. You can find the information for the changes you want on google but it takes a good bit of searching. If I get some time today I can compare my files with stock files and see what I removed.

    Edit: Found my old documentation in some backups on my laptop. Hope my writing is easy enough to follow.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails "Remove" User Picture! Help Please.-screenshot.png  
    "Remove" User Picture! Help Please. Attached Files
      My Computer


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