Get rid of the libraries?

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  1. Posts : 2
    Win7 Pro 32 bit

    It would be great to have software for grown-ups.
    I'm 70, not 7, and I'm not a dumb American who probably needs this stuff. I'm English, a poor working class World War Two bombed out East End of London kid. I went to school and learned to read and write quite well. I can even tie my own shoe laces.
    I don't need all this childish immature nonsense from My Microsoft and others, such as My Documents, My Favourites - my music, pictures etc. I know it's mine you stupid fools; I bought it and still have the receipt to prove it.
    In the next version of Windows, will we have to put up with "My favourite lollipop flavours" and "My very, very bestest friends"?
    I guess we will until Microsoft gets taken over by somebody grown-up and sensible - preferably English.
    And I'm not anti American. I love the Grand Canyon, the Appalachian Mountains and 500 dollar bills.
    Last edited by brianmit; 25 Jan 2013 at 17:48. Reason: typos
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 9,600
    Win 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    Wow! And I though I was getting grumpy in my old age (a "youthful" 63).

    All seriousness aside, I agree, the whole folder/filename organization, "My" whatever business, and icons are ridiculous but M$ is trying to cater to as many as many people as possible so there are bound to be some things that someone doesn't like. With the exception of Win 8, M$ had the good sense to offer many options so one can customize the OS to meet their needs. It's not that big of a deal to ignore the trivial and fix what you can.
    Last edited by Lady Fitzgerald; 25 Jan 2013 at 22:19. Reason: Old Age (spelling)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    brianmit said:
    It would be great to have software for grown-ups.
    I'm 70, not 7, and I'm not a dumb American who probably needs this stuff. I'm English, a poor working class World War Two bombed out East End of London kid. I went to school and learned to read and write quite well. I can even tie my own shoe laces.
    I don't need all this childish immature nonsense from My Microsoft and others, such as My Documents, My Favourites - my music, pictures etc. I know it's mine you stupid fools; I bought it and still have the receipt to prove it.
    In the next version of Windows, will we have to put up with "My favourite lollipop flavours" and "My very, very bestest friends"?
    I guess we will until Microsoft gets taken over by somebody grown-up and sensible - preferably English.
    And I'm not anti American. I love the Grand Canyon, the Appalachian Mountains and 500 dollar bills.
    I hope to hell that is a typo too "mate"! You are a very rude old person.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 91
    W7 HOP 64

    I would venture a guess that brainmiss is a 30-something-apron-strung-perpetual-loner just out trolling for attention.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Get rid of the libraries?-untitled.png  
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 21,004
    Desk1 7 Home Prem / Desk2 10 Pro / Main lap Asus ROG 10 Pro 2 laptop Toshiba 7 Pro Asus P2520 7 & 10

    brianmit said:
    It would be great to have software for grown-ups.
    I'm 70, not 7, and I'm not a dumb American who probably needs this stuff. I'm English, a poor working class World War Two bombed out East End of London kid. I went to school and learned to read and write quite well. I can even tie my own shoe laces.
    I don't need all this childish immature nonsense from My Microsoft and others, such as My Documents, My Favourites - my music, pictures etc. I know it's mine you stupid fools; I bought it and still have the receipt to prove it.
    In the next version of Windows, will we have to put up with "My favourite lollipop flavours" and "My very, very bestest friends"?
    I guess we will until Microsoft gets taken over by somebody grown-up and sensible - preferably English.
    And I'm not anti American. I love the Grand Canyon, the Appalachian Mountains and 500 dollar bills.
    Well mate being English myself I am quite ashamed by your outburst as I have said on many occasions in this forum I had the impression through non experience. only ever briefly meeting a few and by word of mouth that Americans were loudmouthed, brash think they know it all and reckon the world ends at the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
    Well Braino nothing could be further from the truth in fact if you want to meet that sort of person then join the local forum here mate then you would have something to complain about. I have more American friends than I can count now and I think you had better get a life mate and stop being so bloody obnoxious. There are good and bad in all peoples and that includes some very dumb English folk too.
    I came from a very poor working class family and have through some hard work made something of myself and I am fed up with the constant we had to do it so hard brigade. So did a lot of people throughout history and those with any shred of maturity and motivation got on with and made what good they can out of a bad job.
    In fact your statement above could be seen as discriminatory by many including myself, and you know what they say about the heat in the kitchen eh?

    As for the libraries have you got nothing else better to be concerned about? like helping out where you can instead of bleating like some tanty two year old?
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 25,847
    Windows 10 Pro. 64/ version 1709 Windows 7 Pro/64

    brianmit said:
    It would be great to have software for grown-ups.
    I'm 70, not 7, and I'm not a dumb American who probably needs this stuff. I'm English, a poor working class World War Two bombed out East End of London kid. I went to school and learned to read and write quite well. I can even tie my own shoe laces.
    I don't need all this childish immature nonsense from My Microsoft and others, such as My Documents, My Favourites - my music, pictures etc. I know it's mine you stupid fools; I bought it and still have the receipt to prove it.
    In the next version of Windows, will we have to put up with "My favourite lollipop flavours" and "My very, very bestest friends"?
    I guess we will until Microsoft gets taken over by somebody grown-up and sensible - preferably English.
    And I'm not anti American. I love the Grand Canyon, the Appalachian Mountains and 500 dollar bills.
    After reading this I feel so much better. I like libraries and librarians.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    ICit2lol said:
    brianmit said:
    It would be great to have software for grown-ups.
    I'm 70, not 7, and I'm not a dumb American who probably needs this stuff. I'm English, a poor working class World War Two bombed out East End of London kid. I went to school and learned to read and write quite well. I can even tie my own shoe laces.
    I don't need all this childish immature nonsense from My Microsoft and others, such as My Documents, My Favourites - my music, pictures etc. I know it's mine you stupid fools; I bought it and still have the receipt to prove it.
    In the next version of Windows, will we have to put up with "My favourite lollipop flavours" and "My very, very bestest friends"?
    I guess we will until Microsoft gets taken over by somebody grown-up and sensible - preferably English.
    And I'm not anti American. I love the Grand Canyon, the Appalachian Mountains and 500 dollar bills.
    Well mate being English myself I am quite ashamed by your outburst as I have said on many occasions in this forum I had the impression through non experience. only ever briefly meeting a few and by word of mouth that Americans were loudmouthed, brash think they know it all and reckon the world ends at the Atlantic and Pacific coasts.
    Well Braino nothing could be further from the truth in fact if you want to meet that sort of person then join the local forum here mate then you would have something to complain about. I have more American friends than I can count now and I think you had better get a life mate and stop being so bloody obnoxious. There are good and bad in all peoples and that includes some very dumb English folk too.
    I came from a very poor working class family and have through some hard work made something of myself and I am fed up with the constant we had to do it so hard brigade. So did a lot of people throughout history and those with any shred of maturity and motivation got on with and made what good they can out of a bad job.
    In fact your statement above could be seen as discriminatory by many including myself, and you know what they say about the heat in the kitchen eh?

    As for the libraries have you got nothing else better to be concerned about? like helping out where you can instead of bleating like some tanty two year old?
    Very well said my English/Aussie friend.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 14,606
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7600

    dtw3 said:
    Mike Connor said:
    I love libraries, I just think they are better utilised for storing books.

    Adding all these default virtual folders/links to a single user desktop system is merely confusing, time wasting, and unproductive for many users.

    If you have your system sorted out properly you simply don't need libraries.

    This is reflected in the absolutely huge number of users looking for ways to disable and remove them. They just want to click on a folder of their choice, they don't want to drill down through what to them is merely a load of useless bloat in order to find a file. Nor do they wish to learn all the complicated rigmarole associated with such things.

    There are doubtless plenty of users who like libraries, and that is fine, the problem arises when one is not given the choice.

    People do not want to be told how to set up or do things or be forced into using a system that does not work for them.

    Regards....Mike Connor
    Hi Mike,

    I’m absolutely new here and was trying find a coherent thread giving definite and concrete info. on dispensing entirely with MS Libraries from my laptop (Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1). I can’t follow how searching these threads works and I blundered this old debate. There seems to be no way of avoiding the dross and irrelevant entries that either don’t address the issue or try to dissuade from any intended action for non-tech reasons.

    Perhaps I’m failing to ‘get’ how these forums work but I read your contributions and like what I read so wanted to engage with you on the subject rather than join a debate in a crowded bar.

    Did you solve the issue and if so how? Are there consequences for the operating system and is this a ‘project’ appropriate for basic computer user.

    Thanks in anticipation.
    dwt3, im afraid mike connors last posted here on the forum on 07 Jun 2012 ,
    i doubt whether he will reply.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 14,606
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7600

    brianmit said:
    It would be great to have software for grown-ups.
    I'm 70, not 7, and I'm not a dumb American who probably needs this stuff. I'm English, a poor working class World War Two bombed out East End of London kid. I went to school and learned to read and write quite well. I can even tie my own shoe laces.
    I don't need all this childish immature nonsense from My Microsoft and others, such as My Documents, My Favourites - my music, pictures etc. I know it's mine you stupid fools; I bought it and still have the receipt to prove it.
    In the next version of Windows, will we have to put up with "My favourite lollipop flavours" and "My very, very bestest friends"?
    I guess we will until Microsoft gets taken over by somebody grown-up and sensible - preferably English.
    And I'm not anti American. I love the Grand Canyon, the Appalachian Mountains and 500 dollar bills.
    oh dear! how to contradict yourself in one post, let us just make it clear this is not the opinion of all Brits. just imagine what he would have said if he was anti American.
      My Computer

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