up button

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  1. Posts : 6
    Windows 7

    I agree the 'breadcrumbs' is easy to use, but what I need is the ctrl-up click to open a new window of the parent directory, I use this all the time in XP
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  2. Ivo
    Posts : 398
    Windows 7 Home 64, Vista Ultimate 64

    Can you elaborate, please? I'm pressing Ctrl+Up arrow in XP and nothing happens. I also tried holding down Ctrl while clicking on the "Up" button, still nothing.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 20

    Hi Ivo, I'd like to test your up button for Vista and 7 explorer. I tried sending an email request but my message was bounced back several times. Can you send your application to [Email REMOVED]
    Last edited by Barman58; 08 Dec 2009 at 17:40. Reason: Email removed for security
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 6
    Windows 7


    On XP, hold down ctrl and click the 'up' button - a new window is opened showing the parent folder. Can't do this on W7
      My Computer

  5. Ivo
    Posts : 398
    Windows 7 Home 64, Vista Ultimate 64

    Weird... I tried exactly that on 2 different computers with XP, but it didn't work. Either way, my Up button now supports Ctrl+click :)

    You can download it from http://classicshell.sourceforge.net/
    Last edited by Ivo; 29 Nov 2009 at 14:44.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1
    windows 7

    shortcut solution

    I just found a shortcut key combination for "up" that I didn't know: Alt+<arrow-up>

    I guess it might actually work in XP as well, but I never tried.

    Found that Alt+<arrow left> is also back and Alt+<arrow right> is forward.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 55
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    skipgilles said:
    I just found a shortcut key combination for "up" that I didn't know: Alt+<arrow-up>

    I guess it might actually work in XP as well, but I never tried.

    Found that Alt+<arrow left> is also back and Alt+<arrow right> is forward.
    Yup, been using that in Vista/7 for a while.

    Alt-up does not work in XP, but alt-left/right does work both in explorer and most web browsers.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1
    Ubuntu 9.10 for programming and office / Arch Linux for experimenting /Windows7 for games

    Weird... I tried exactly that on 2 different computers with XP, but it didn't work. Either way, my Up button now supports Ctrl+click :)

    You can download it from Welcome to Classic Shell
    dude.. This just OWNS!! I regstred just to tell you that
    It made windows explorer useable again, I was seriously on my way to buy total commander or something.

    However, I found a small bug, nothing grave but when you have the taskbar on more than one row and have your classic start-menu then windows7 start menu will still show if you don't click exactly in the button. I tend to just pull my mouse down to the bottom left corner, hence i found this bug.

    Keep up the good work
      My Computer

  9. Ivo
    Posts : 398
    Windows 7 Home 64, Vista Ultimate 64

    lolarne said:
    dude.. This just OWNS!! I regstred just to tell you that
    It made windows explorer useable again, I was seriously on my way to buy total commander or something.

    However, I found a small bug, nothing grave but when you have the taskbar on more than one row and have your classic start-menu then windows7 start menu will still show if you don't click exactly in the button. I tend to just pull my mouse down to the bottom left corner, hence i found this bug.

    Keep up the good work
    Thanks for the nice words :)

    Yes, I know about this bug. The area you speak of is part of the taskbar and not the start button orb. The shell does something funky with it and I am unable to detect a mouse click there. OTOH you can think of it as a "feature" - now you get a single-click access to both menus

    Edit: Now that I tried the multi-row taskbar I can see how this can be a real problem. I'll see what I can do. I'm shooting for having the next beta ready either this weekend or the next.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 2
    Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP

    Great initiative!
    It's certainly good with a free alternative to Mavis Up-button (it adds up to quite a lot of money if you have 5 computers like me, and they have lousy support I have emailed them 2 or 3 times with bug-reports, questions about a license that suddenly stopped working, etc, and I have never got any answer from them)

    The thing I like about Mavis Up-button though is that it's more integrated into the explorer window (the button sits left of the adress-bar, next to the back- and forward-buttons, and it has the same style as these buttons). I have no idea how they do that and if it's some kind of hack, but it would be great if ClassicShell could do someting like that :) The classic toolbar takes a whole extra row in the explorer window (I usually don't have the menu visible)...
      My Computer

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