Will this work for Build 7100 64-Bit?
Read through the linked thread - as in My Digital Life Forums - View Single Post - Want to have Blue progressbars in Windows 7? .Look no further
Wait, of course this works on 64-Bit, there's a x64 file!
That's what I get for not looking through the files...
EDIT: I got it working! Thank you so much!
Last edited by Klaw117; 04 Aug 2009 at 15:24.
I'm really digging this. Are there any other minor things along the lines of this?
I found some other things from the same person that did the blue task manager, I over looked their gallery link until today and you all can take look n see. xandir112's deviantART gallery
I do not know if the rest of his/her customization files will work on RTM Build so make sure make a restore points to be safe.
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How can I make progress bars in a third party theme be blue?