Yes They Are Great!
No They Can Use Some Work!
can someone make fc chelsea and counter strike clock think a lot people will use it (cs ofc)
SevenForums Windows Logo's Clock Gadget
'Clock images'/'Windows Logos' by Mr GRiM (images used with kind permission), made into a clock gadget by myself.
Last edited by Generator; 19 Aug 2009 at 18:18.
Psst, you set the poll for multiple choice meaning someone can choose both options. :)
I choose the top one FYI.
Thanks Mark, :)
I opted for a 50% transparency on the hands so the date could be more readable beneath them.
(English) Premier League Football Teams Clock Gadget
Here's one for the English football fanatics, it's a single gadget with the team emblems from the current Premier League all as a single download.
(I can't put the date or 'digital clock' on this gadget because their isn't a happy medium that works for all the emblems.)