Sergio ,
Can you let me know how I could make that to a usable vista or windows 7 start orb , please if you know how . Thank You at advance .
Sergio ,
Can you let me know how I could make that to a usable vista or windows 7 start orb , please if you know how . Thank You at advance .
i'm really struggling with my start orb. i tried to replace it with the first attempt u did (how u doing on improving it by the way?) but it's not letting me save as explorer.exe. i tried killing the process, renaming .bak but then i'm losing the taskbar.
Sergio, Dam only on RTM version ? snap it won't work with vista x64 ?
Sergio, Do you think it will work on the WINDOWS 7 release when it comes out on October 22nd ?
Sergio, Why won't it work for x64. The flag isn't for me its for my gf . I want to surprise her with it. She has Vista x64 and will be getting 7x64 when it arrives from her OEM through mail.