Custom made country flag orbs/icons.

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  1. Posts : 6,830
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32-Bit & Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit

    Sergio ,
    Can you let me know how I could make that to a usable vista or windows 7 start orb , please if you know how . Thank You at advance .
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,633
    Win 7 Ult SP1/Win 10 Pro (all x64)

      My Computer

  3.    #63

    VistaKing said:
    Sergio ,
    Can you let me know how I could make that to a usable vista or windows 7 start orb , please if you know how . Thank You at advance .
    Take Ownership over the windows folder, then rename the explorer.exe to explorer.exe.bak, and then copy this into the windows folder. Then close the explorer process and start it again. Now it should work :)
    NOTE: This does only work on Windows 7 RTM x86.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Custom made country flag orbs/icons.-13.jpg   Custom made country flag orbs/icons.-355.jpg   Custom made country flag orbs/icons.-3456.jpg  
    Custom made country flag orbs/icons. Attached Files
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 625
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64Bit


    i'm really struggling with my start orb. i tried to replace it with the first attempt u did (how u doing on improving it by the way?) but it's not letting me save as explorer.exe. i tried killing the process, renaming .bak but then i'm losing the taskbar.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 6,830
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32-Bit & Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit

    Sergio, Dam only on RTM version ? snap it won't work with vista x64 ?
      My Computer

  6.    #66

    VistaKing said:
    Sergio, Dam only on RTM version ? snap it won't work with vista x64 ?
    No it wont work with vista
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 6,830
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32-Bit & Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit

    Sergio, Do you think it will work on the WINDOWS 7 release when it comes out on October 22nd ?
      My Computer

  8.    #68

    VistaKing said:
    Sergio, Do you think it will work on the WINDOWS 7 release when it comes out on October 22nd ?
    Yes it should work with that version But only on x86 (also known as 32-bit)
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 6,830
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32-Bit & Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit

    Sergio, Why won't it work for x64. The flag isn't for me its for my gf . I want to surprise her with it. She has Vista x64 and will be getting 7x64 when it arrives from her OEM through mail.
      My Computer

  10.    #70

    VistaKing said:
    Sergio, Why won't it work for x64. The flag isn't for me its for my gf . I want to surprise her with it. She has Vista x64 and will be getting 7x64 when it arrives from her OEM through mail.
    Because i don't have 64-bit installed on any of my machines. And i'm pretty sure there is a difference between Windows 7 x64 explorer.exe and x86's Explorer.exe, but im not sure
      My Computer

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