We're just pulling your leg
A Guy
That's the problem, you must have been pulling the numb one.
Seeker, Seeker, I see ripples and underwater reflections of them too, I just don't see them move or change direction. I do love the wall and is in my rotation. I can imagine living in the little house in the trees.
I meant no offense, rather frivolity and jocularity, all in fun.
I've had quite a few peeps ask me about the "touch up" tool and how to use it so here's a quick tutorial on how it's used on a basic image, this uses CorelPHOTO paint... enjoy :)
hey I was wondering how many of you guys have the WP7? I just recently upgraded to "mango" and am REALLY Impressed with it! like a whole new fone! I was just curious as we all luv windows seven so why not windows phone seven? LOL anyways here are some wallpapers I made for my phone and perhaps some of you guys can use them too?